Three types of communications are supported: conference papers, work in progress and posters
'Paper' refers to original research work, having completed all of its phases.
'Work in progress' is considered an original work that refers to ongoing research. The works must contain the following structure: objectives, methodological aspects, and foreseeable contributions of the study.
'Poster' s considered the original research work, completed or not, in which the authors look for a different interaction with the participants in the Conference. The purpose of the poster is to encourage a person-to-person discussion about the poster's research. Authors will interact with the participants by standing next to the posters on the assigned day and schedule.
Submission can be written in Spanish or English.
All submissions are subject to a 'double-blind' review system of a single round. The evaluation will be coordinated by track chairs, who decide discrepancies between the two reviewers.
Submission Guidelines
For each submission, author should complete the form that appears here.
A single file must be sent as follows: A blind version with title and without any identification of the authors.
The submission platform will be open on February 11, 2022 and will be closed on May 2. Works sent by e-mail are not allowed.
In the case of several works signed by more than one author, there must be an additional effective registration for each of them. At least one different author per submission must attend the Conference.
Failure to follow the rules implies a rejection of the work presented.
Files will be written in Microsoft Word format (Version 2003 or higher). The images, tables, and figures must be included in the Word document in their corresponding place.
Once the communication will be accepted, the authors will request to submit the final version using the following template, available here Template. In the case of posters, the previous template will be used only in the submission for acceptance.
Peer review
The evaluation is structured by conference tracks. The authors decide the area where they want to evaluate their work, although the organizing committee may reassign the manuscript to a close area in order to optimise the work of the scientific committee.
All submissions are subject to a 'double-blind' review system of a single round. The evaluation will be coordinated by track chairs, who decide discrepancies between the two reviewers.
Once the evaluation is completed, the management system will send the final result.
Publications in the Conference Proceedings
Once the papers have been accepted, the authors will decide whether the complete document, the abstract or any publication at all will be published in the Book of Proceedings. The organizing committee will request the authors of accepted papers for information about it.
To appear in the Book of Proceeding you must have be registered and have paid the registration fee for the conference before July 20, 2022.
Authors can submit papers written in Spanish or English.
For papers: 15 A4 pages including text, tables, graphics, appendices and bibliographical references (cover included). For work in progress: 5 A4 pages (cover included). For posters: Related to the submission for acceptance. Two pages (cover included), indicating title, objectives, status of the research, methodology and results if there were any at the time of referral.
Margins and line spacing
All margins of 2.50 cm. Single-line spacing. Source: Times New Roman.
First page: Text: Titles of epigraphs: Sub-picture titles:
According to template.
Must be in Spanish and English. According to template.
From 3 to 7 identifiers. According to template.
According to template. On odd page: Job title (ellipses starting with the eighth word).
Feet of page:
Page numbering (Times New Roman, 9 points, bottom centered).
Use of scripts only. Indent of 0.50 cm. Left and French bleeding of 0.45 cm.
Numbering of epigraphs:
Include the number of the main heading followed by a period and the number of the sub-heading followed by a new point.
Numbering of epigraphs: Tables (text or data) and Figures (graphics, diagrams or tables):
According to template. First line: Term 'TABLE' or 'FIGURE' (according to case) and its priority. Second line: Title corresponding to the chart or table in question. The tables must be explanatory by themselves.
Use APA format (6th Edition).
The final poster must not exceed the A0 format (84cmx120cm.) With vertical orientation. The following sizes and fonts are recommended: Source (Arial) Minimum size of the title (36 points) Minimum size of section titles and subsection (30 points) Minimum text size (26 points)